A craft through the ages.
A timeless tradition.
Not merely skills from a craftsman to another, but values, evolution… and legacy.
Our workshop
Artistic Co-creators

Our Collection
The Nature of Sound

What Our
Clients Say
“Deciso is more than a shop that sells violins. It is run and managed by Tan Chin Seng, a local luthier who has done Malaysia proud with his many award-winning creations. His passion is undisputable as is his commitment towards perfecting his craft. It is inspiring to watch him work and it is my firm belief that Deciso is a prominent classical music hub in Malaysia.”
Jonathan Oh
“It is not easy to do something that isn’t commonplace in Malaysia. To go through uncertainty, to go through the process and not taking shortcuts. And that’s what Tan Chin Seng has accomplished through Deciso by painstakingly learning how to do what he does from scratch. And it is because he hasn’t taken the easy road, he is now able to add his own personal flourishes to his handiwork. For that, I applaud not just his effort but his tenacity.”